The first New York City Props Summit was a rousing success.

From left to right in the photograph are: Rebecca Aldridge, Mark Gill, Sarah Gill, Jessica Provenzale, Natalie Taylor Hart, Kate Dale, Meredith Ries, Scott Laule, Jeremy Lydic, me, and Jay Duckworth. Not pictured are Meghan Buchanan, Eric Reynolds, Sara Swanberg, and Arianna Zindler, as well as Michael Schupbach and Katey Parker from the Puppet Kitchen. (If I missed anyone, let me know!)
Jay thought it was important for the various props professionals to get to know each other, whether props masters, artisans, freelancers, or full-timers. The benefit of this was immediately apparent as half the attendees were currently in tech and needed something built or borrowed. There’s only so many places to store stuff in New York City, so it’s nice to be able to borrow from as many of them as you can.
We are tentatively planning another Props Summit sometime before Christmas. If you live in New York City or the surrounding tri-state area, or if you know anyone who does, drop me a line so I can keep you informed!