This upcoming Saturday, I will be exhibiting at the Burlington Mini Maker Faire here in Burlington, NC. If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know I attended last year’s Burlington Mini Maker Faire, as well as the New York World Maker Faire in 2011 and 2010. This will be my first time exhibiting, though.
My table will feature my book, some props I’ve built, a demonstration or two, and possibly an interactive display where you can build your own prop. The Faire itself will have some other prop-related goings-on: members of the 105th Stormtrooper Squad will be walking around in costume and Stephen Chapman will be displaying some of his steampunk props. Outside of props, the Faire will have musical Tesla coils, custom-made guitars, wood-turning, retro computing, robots, electric cars, blacksmithing, 3D printing and much more. You can get more of a sneak peek in this Make Magazine post about the Alamance Makers Guild display at Maker Faire, NC. The Alamance Makers Guild is hosting the Burlington Faire, and this display showcased some of the same makers who will be exhibiting in Burlington.
So if you’re in the area this Saturday, August 17th, come on down to the Holly Hill Mall in Burlington between 10am and 6pm. If you’ve never been to a Maker Faire, they are a lot of fun for props people. Even if you do not live in North Carolina, you may be able to find an upcoming Maker Faire in your neck of the woods.

Details: Burlington Mini Maker Faire, August 17th, 2013, 10am-6pm at the Holly Hill Mall and Business Center, Burlington, NC.